Please fill out information to help us determine eligibilty
I understand that Kitty Korral CAN NOT guarantee the health and temperament of ANY adopted animal. I understand that Kitty Korral does not have past records for these animals and there may be some risk associated with taking in shelter animals. I agree to take the animal to the vet IMMEDIATELY if any illness is suspected. I hereby release Kitty Korral and it's Board of Directors and it's volunteers of any liabilities associated with the animal after its my possession. I also understand the animal is to be part of the family and reside INDOORS as a family member. The animal will be provided fresh water and food daily. I understand Kitty Korral WILL NOT be responsible for any damages to property caused by the animal and we STRONGLY suggest a crate . I also AGREE to notify Kitty Korral of any address or phone number changes..... Please Initial below if you agree..